National anti-bullying week
It has been national anti-bullying week and we have been supporting this campaign all week. Mrs Cutting delivered an important assemble on Thursday focusing on ‘what is respect?’ and ‘what is bullying?’. This allowed our pupils to discuss how they can recognise bullying behaviour. The key message was in everyday life we can choose to be rude, or to bully, or to show people respect. By choosing to be mean or rude, we can make others feel sad, unhappy or alone. This can be seen as bullying and unkindness towards others. However, if we choose kindness and respect, we can make others feel welcomed and happy at school.
Useful links for parents
Dates for your diary
- Monday 18th November, 3.05pm – 4.00pm – ‘Book Look’, come have a look at the amazing work your children have been working on this year.
- Tuesday 19th November, Year 4 school trip to Leeds City Museum – For year 4 parents/carers, please check your email for more information.
- Friday 22nd November, Year 2 Trip to Cliffe Castle – For year 2 parents/carers, please check your email for more information.
- Monday 25th November – Wednesday 27th November – Year 6 Robinwood Residential
- Thursday 28th and 29th November – SCHOOL IS CLOSED for Trust training day and data day
To view our December events and key dates, click here.
School news
IMPORTANT: School milk
We can offer subsided milk (189ml carton) daily to all children.
Nursery and Reception children receive free school milk, no action is required for parents and carers.
For Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 for the Spring Term (6th January 2025 – Friday 4th April 2025), the cost of school milk will be £13.00. If your child would like to have milk each day, please make payment through ParentPay by Friday 13th December.
IMPORTANT: Free school milk
If your child is entitled to Free School Meals, they will be entitled to free school milk, but you MUST let us know that you want to order milk for your child by emailing [email protected]. Please note; this is NOT all children in Year 1 and Year 2 who are on universal free school meals. You must have made an application to Bradford Council if you feel you should be entitled to free school meals and milk, please contact the school office if you are unsure or have any questions.
No further orders can be made after the 13th December.
Winter Cards
Thank you to everyone who ordered winter cards, orders will be delivered soon. The sale of our stunning winter cards generated an incredible £185 commission for FOPPS.
ASDA Rewards
If you shop at ASDA, please keep donating to the ASDA rewards cash pots for school until 30th November. The total currently stands at £265, thank you!
Christmas Raffle
Next week children will be bringing home raffle tickets. We have lots of amazing prizes up for grabs including Lego sets, Christmas hampers, shopping vouchers and much more.
Can you sponsor a raffle prize? Do you or someone you know own a business and would like to support the school? We are asking for sponsorship of £30 for prizes. Please speak to FOPPS or the school office if you can help.
Tuck shop
The next tuck shop will be Friday 22nd November. Can we politely request payment in change rather than large notes.
Winter Wonderland Fayre
Friday 6th December, non uniform day in exchange for a chocolate or bottle donation for the winter fayre.
Our whole school attendance for last week was 93.4% – a slight dip due to illnesses across school as Winter fast approaches.
- Reception – 96.3%
- Year 1 – 97.9%
- Year 2 – 95.4%
- Year 3 – 92.3%
- Year 4 – 92%
- Year 5 – 97.5%
- Year 6 – 96.5%
Well done to Year 1 and Year 5 who have achieved our 97% target.
Pride of Priestthorpe
Congratulations to the following children who have received our “Pride of Priestthorpe” certificates this week.
- Early years – Sol and Freddie
- Year 1 – Mia and Elijah
- Year 2 – Charlotte and Eve
- Year 3 – Ash and Archie
- Year 4 – Ruby and Alicja
- Year 5 – Lucia and Max C
- Year 6 – Sophie E, Freya and Annie R
What have we been up to this week?
- Reception had balance bike training this week.
- Year 1 have been using our toolkit of capital letters, full stops and word choice to rewrite our model text ‘Lost and Found’
- Year 2 have been looking at microhabitats and minibeasts. They learnt about what a microhabitat is and how minibeasts are good for microhabitats.
- Year 3 have been been working on their gymnastics to perfect key shapes.
- Year 4 have been learning about electricity in science. The class made a human circuit using an energy stick. They held hands and the electricity passed through them to light up the stick, when someone let go, it broke the circuit and the light went out.
- Year 5 have been looking at long multiplication using two digits to multiply two, three and four-digit numbers. They looked at separating the calculations into its different parts using an area model as well as using the formal column method.
- Year 6 have learned about how adaptation is an integral part of evolution. We explored how animals have adapted to specific biomes and how these give them advantages in survival.
Kanga Sports – before and after school.
This week at Kanga sports we have been having so much fun with our food tasting, which has been an Italian theme. We have been creating Christmas bags for FOPPS and we have kept very active outside playing games such as dodgeball, football, and multi sports.