Equality and Diversity

Our Equality Objectives:

In a trust with a mission to create remarkable schools where no child is left behind, equality, diversity and inclusion must sit at the heart.  At Beckfoot Priestthorpe we are proud of the culture and ethos we have created together which makes this a reality.

Beckfoot Trust Objectives:

  • To increase the representation of all teachers from minority ethnic backgrounds to better reflect the community of Bradford that we serve by a minimum of 10% from a starting point of 19% to 29%.
  • To increase the representation of staff from minority ethnic backgrounds in senior leadership positions from 9% to at least 19% (10% above national).
  • To year on year close the SEND K student attainment gap so that progress in Secondary and Primary is at least at national level.
  • Work towards achievement of the Diversity Mark by July 2025.