We are passionate about providing a happy and safe environment where all children can thrive and meet their full potential. All staff work to ensure the inclusion of all pupils by:
- setting aspirational targets for all pupils
- having rigorous monitoring of the progress of all pupils
- identifying any additional needs or barriers to learning as early as possible
- planning for appropriate, quality provision through quality first teaching
- ensuring that any additional support is appropriate and challenging
- working with outside agencies to put strategies in place that meet specific needs
SEND Curriculum Statement
At Beckfoot Priestthorpe Primary School, we believe that all children, regardless of their needs and abilities, are entitled to a high-quality education. We aim to ensure that all children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) achieve the best possible outcomes and become confident, independent, lifelong learners.
Through quality first teaching, planning and provision, we aim to:
- Identify needs as soon as possible so that relevant support can be put in place.
- Devise a broad and balanced curriculum with appropriate differentiation and scaffolding to allow all children to succeed.
- Provide an accessible, inclusive learning environment.
- Develop children’s independence.
- Assess and monitor the progress of all children at regular intervals.
- Establish close links with parents/carers and families.
- Liaise with external agencies and professionals to secure collaborative support for children with SEND.
At Beckfoot Priestthorpe Primary School, every teacher is a teacher of SEND. Classroom staff, senior leaders, the SENCo, parents, external professionals and the child all collaborate to establish a holistic, person-centred approach.
Pupils with SEND will:
- Be included in all aspects of school life.
- Be provided with quality first teaching, adapted appropriately to meet their needs.
- Feel respected, valued and listened to.
Pupils with SEND may:
- Receive targeted in-class support from an adult, as well as the use of adapted resources (where appropriate).
- Participate in classroom interventions (e.g. Nessy, Clicker).
- Engage in small group interventions outside of the classroom, as staffing and resources allow.
- Access social, emotional and mental health support from the Parental Involvement Worker (PIW) or NHS Mental Health Support Team (MHST).
- Access in-class provision to provide learning/brain breaks (e.g. Busy Boxes).
- Receive support from external agencies, such as Speech and Language Therapy (SALT), Educational Psychology, Occupational Therapy, specialist teachers from Bradford’s Social, Communication, Interaction and Learning (SCIL) Team and Child Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).
As a result of the provisions outlined above, children at Beckfoot Priestthorpe Primary School will:
- Feel safe, valued and cared for.
- Develop resilience, perseverance and independence.
- Demonstrate high levels of engagement.
- Make progress, relative to their starting points.
- Be confident, collaborative learners.