Welcome from the Headteacher
I am pleased to welcome you to Beckfoot Priestthorpe Primary School and look forward to us having a happy and successful future together.
The information within our website explains the aims and organisation of our school and I hope that you will find it useful now and in the future.If you require any further information then please do contact school.
At Beckfoot Priestthorpe we are committed to ensuring every child receives the best possible education, enabling them to achieve their full potential. Our aim is to provide an education which develops the whole child both academically and socially, nurturing skills which prepare them for lifelong learning. We firmly believe that a strong partnership between home and school begins before a child even enters the classroom. We enjoy working closely with parents and carers, providing information and opportunities for you to engage in school life and maximise the life chances for all your children.
We are proud of our rich curriculum,which enables children to learn from first hand experiences both in the classroom,and in the outdoor environment. Our school field provides opportunities for the children to explore wildlife and enjoy physical activity whilst developing important social skillsalongside.
Learning continues at the end of the school day with a range of extra-curricular activities which enrich children’s school experiences. We appreciate that choosing a school is an important decision for parents to make.We think that Beckfoot Priestthorpe is a very special place and we want to share that with you. There is a strong sense of unity across school and together we remain ambitious for the continued success of Beckfoot Priestthorpe.
We are very proud of our school community and we warmly invite you to come and look around, see us learning together and allow us to answer any questions you may have.